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Why use a leave-behind piece?

Take a few minutes and let me explain why it is so important.

the extra two minutes

Make an unforgettable first impression on a prospect. Arrive with something special you have created. I am not talking about marketing materials. I am talking about a newspaper or magazine article that you have had framed. You can get 8 x 10 basic black frames on Amazon for dirt cheap.
It’s good to walk in with customized marketing materials. Especially if you spent the extra 2 minutes to brand them with the prospect’s name. It’s a different level when you walk in with a framed article about their company. It may seem hokey, but the truth is, they will appreciate you and remember you.

Many of the people we call on get featured on the news or a trade publication. They never take the time to brag on themselves. Also, you don’t need to limit it to print media. You can find articles on the internet and do the same.

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